Laser Therapy
Laser Periodontal Therapy has been shown to provide better outcomes over Non-Surgical Therapy in certain cases. Use of laser allows minimal removal of tissue around involved periodontal sites and gives the clinician better access and visibility to remove the calculus and plaque from root surfaces. It may also have a microbicidal effect on certain bacteria on root surfaces. Lasers have been shown to help forming a stable blood clot in the treated areas which may lead to faster healing after treatment. Patient’s commitment to plaque removal is required for a good outcome from this procedure.
We are pleased to announce that we have recently completed intensive training in Laser Periodontal Therapy and now offer this treatment using the World’s first digital dental laser–the PerioLase® MVP-7. This laser was specifically designed for treating gum (periodontal) disease. This addition makes it possible for us to effectively treat gum disease problems and establish ideal conditions for healing the gums around teeth that have periodontal pockets, right in our office.
The PerioLase® MVP-7 laser now gives us a gentle and effective way to stop the damage being done by the infections in the gums. Patients who have had this form of laser treatment report that they have little or no discomfort after the procedure. We are proud to be among the first of the growing number of dental offices in the country to provide this breakthrough laser treatment to our patients.